حوادث وقضايا

العثور على جثة شاب فى مصر الجديدة.. والتحريات: توفى بسبب جرعة مخدرات


كتب / احمد عادل 

عثر رجال مباحث القاهرة على جثة شاب بأحد الشقق السكنية فى مصر الجديدة ، وتبين أن الوفاة بسبب جرعة زائدة للمخدارت أدت لهبوط الدورة الدموية مما أدت إلى وفاته، ونقلته سيارة إسعاف إلى المشرحة. 



تلقت غرفة عمليات شرطة النجدة بالقاهرة بلاغا من الأهالى يفيد بوجود جثة فى إحدى الشقق السكنية في مصر الجديدة، وانتقل رجال المباحث لمكان الواقعة، وبالفحص تبين العثور على جثة شاب توفي بسبب جرعة مخدرات زائدة، وتم نقل الجثة إلى المشرحة تحت تصرف النيابة العامة.



واستمع فريق من رجال المباحث لشهود عيان للوقوف على ملابسات الواقعة، وقام فريق من رجال المباحث بالتحفظ على كاميرات المراقبة لتفريغها، وتحرر محضر بالواقعة، وتولت النيابة العامة التحقيق.

أحمد سالم الملواني

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‫15 تعليقات

  1. Hey there, it’s Charles here, coming to you from the land of unlimited opportunity– or as we like to call it, the 1K a Day System. Here, we teach you how to earn more than a well-fed squirrel gathers nuts for the winter. If you’re prepared to accumulate those digital acorns, hop on board! Let’s make your bank account as plump as those cheeky critters by signing up today.

  2. Hey there! I’m Charles, your guide to earning money in your sleep– well, practically. Welcome to the 1K a Day System, where we turn your digital dreams into cold hard money. Are you all set to stop scrolling and begin earning? Let’s ditch those cent methods and prepare for some major bank. Join us, and let’s strike those $1K days together!

  3. Hello there! Just stopping in to praise your remarkable blog. Your knowledge on making money online are genuinely commendable. Earning an income from home has never been easier thanks to affiliate promotion. It’s all about leveraging your internet presence and promoting goods or services that resonate with your audience. Your blog is a invaluable resource for anyone exploring making money from home. Keep up the amazing work!

  4. Hi there! Just wanted to pop by and express my appreciation for your blog. Your knowledge in making money from home is really remarkable. Earning an income from home is a ambition for many, and affiliate marketing provides a feasible path to achieve it. It’s all about leveraging your online presence and promoting goods or services that resonate with your audience. Your blog is a wealth of information for aspiring affiliate marketers. Keep up the fantastic work!

  5. Hi there! Just felt like saying hello to express my appreciation for your amazing blog. Your insights on affiliate marketing are really commendable. Earning an income from home has never been more accessible with affiliate marketing. It’s all about leveraging your online presence and marketing goods or services that resonate with your audience. Your blog is a valuable resource for anyone curious about affiliate marketing. Keep on the great work!

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