By. Ahmed Salem 



The Egyptian Penal Code, in Article 313, imposes a life imprisonment penalty on those charged with theft when the following five conditions are met:





The theft must have occurred during the



The theft must involve two or more individuals


Visible or concealed weapons must be present with the thieves or one of them


The thieves must have entered a dwelling, house, or premises intended for habitation by breaking through a wall, door, or by using artificial keys, or by impersonating an officer or a public servant, or by presenting a forged order claimed to be issued by the government



The crime must be committed using coercion or threats, employing their weapons



These conditions ensure that the penalty is heightened in cases where a theft offense incorporates these five elements, enhancing the protection of public safety and property


أحمد سالم الملواني

كاتب صحفي ورئيس مجلس الادارة

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