By/Ahmed Salem elmalwany

In a shocking turn of events, authorities in the state of Maine have launched a large-scale manhunt following a mass shooting at two separate locations on Wednesday night, resulting in the tragic loss of 22 lives and leaving 30 others injured.


Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Public Safety in Maine, Mike Souschuk, has stated that the exact number of casualties remains uncertain at this time.


It’s worth noting that this deadly shooting on Wednesday was a sudden and unexpected occurrence in a state that recorded only 29 homicides in the entire year of 2022.


Currently, authorities have identified the main suspect as 40-year-old Robert R. Card of Bowdoin, who is a firearms instructor with military experience. According to FOX News, Card may possess a police scanner, potentially giving him knowledge of law enforcement movements at present.


In a Facebook post, the Lewiston Police Department announced their efforts to pinpoint Card’s location as the primary suspect in the mass shooting. He is considered armed and dangerous, and caution is advised.


Officials have also disclosed that Card has a history of mental health issues, including auditory hallucinations, and had previously threatened to open fire at the Maine National Guard base. He reportedly spent time in a mental health facility over the summer.


Following the shooting, authorities urged residents of Lewiston to take shelter in their homes, keeping doors securely locked. Later, this shelter order was extended to include the city of Lisbon.


The shelter request came after authorities discovered Card’s vehicle, a Subaru Outback, near the boat docks in Lisbon on Frost Hill Street.


In a statement released on Wednesday, the Central Maine Center confirmed that they are dealing with a shooting incident that has led to this tragic situation

أحمد سالم الملواني

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